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Choosing a driving instructor is very important.
You will most likely spend upwards of 35 hours sat next to this person, at least an hour a week, so it’s vital you get on with them.
Not only will the right tuition save you money, but you will also become a safer driver. I would of course advocate you choose Micky Dunn ADI, however a limited number of places for students and of course proximity to my area means you may need to search elsewhere.
Therefore, I will give you an unbiased run down of what to look for in a driving instructor.
We will look at some common questions, and explore if they are important or not.

Is your instructor fully qualified?

A good place to start is with the qualification held by the instructor.
All driving instructors are [...]

We all know driving over the speed limit is a no-no on the test (as well as before and after), but did you know driving too slowly can be a serious fault, and can lead to a fail?
This fault will come under inappropriate speed.
Yes too fast is obvious, and while you may be deemed to be driving too fast and at the same time be well within the speed limit for the road conditions, too slow can be just as much an issue to other drivers.
Examiners want to see a confident drive, and driving too slow on a clear, dry road with plenty of room and visibility is evidence of a nervous driver lacking in confidence.
I have a colleague whose candidate received two serious faults, one [...]

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